Wednesday, Sept 21, 2022 Kellner Activity Building Presentation - 6:30 pm Discussion and Q&A - 7:00-8:00 pm More info on the Event Flyer The LWRP process plans for multiple public outreach events. The first of three was held in December 2021. If you missed either of the events, check out the resources page. |
Purpose of this website
We, the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Committee of the Town of Germantown would like to use this website to keep everyone in Town and around updated on the planning progress related to our waterfront revitalization. This website offers you an overview of all published materials (see resources), as well as more background information regarding our committee's work (see lwrp committee). |
Image Source: berkshirepropertyagents.com
This website has been created by the Town of Germantown, NY Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan Committee, with the technical support from Alta Consulting and with funding provided by the New York State
Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.
Department of State under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund.